Tuesday, January 31, 2017

2019 World Marathon Challenge

Hello all!

We are officially one month through 2017, and I hope that your running and other endeavors are going well! I want to use this post to accomplish two things: 1) Present a report of January and 2) Talk about what I am doing this year (and according to the title, how I am working to run in the 2019 World Marathon Challenge).

As you may have read in my first post of the year, I made a few goals for the year to which I have held to thus far. First, I have run every day. I have never done this before, but I can honestly say that I am recovering quickly after every run, have had no soreness (outside of dealing with an old injury), and have been able to run further without fatigue. For the first time, I have incorporated legitimate active recovery into my training. Strength training has also been a primary focus as well as adequate foam rolling, stretching, icing, and use of a T.E.N.S. unit. I feel great!

Also contributing to this great month of running, I almost regret to say, was my switch to a vegetarian diet. Is this a permanent switch? Probably not. But I cannot deny that I have felt much better this month, contracting zero migraines, feeling more awake and active, recovering quickly, and experiencing no sicknesses related to the somewhat inclement weather. I miss chicken, to be honest, but I am facing a major trade-off here: no chicken for better health.

I have totaled just over 254 miles so far this year, putting me on pace for around 3,000 miles on the year. I am now training under the coaching of Josh Arthur, an awesome guy and knowledgable, experienced runner! He is going to help me take on a number of races including back-to-back marathons in one weekend, an 8 hour run, and Tunnel Hill 100 miler in the Fall! I am stoked!
I will also be representing Team NeighborLink in as many ways possible to raise funds and awareness for the importance of volunteering and sharing the gospel at the same time. To learn more about NeighborLink, please visit their website at https://teamneighborlink.squarespace.com/ and https://www.nlfw.org/

My most important goal, however, is to read my Bible more and strengthen my walk with God. I have been studying, with a friend of mine, Systematic Theology and really diving into God's word with excitement and wonder on a daily basis. It is to God's grace and the blessings He has provided me that I credit my running and health this year and for my whole life.

So...the World Marathon Challenge

7 Marathons. 7 Continents. 7 Days.
That pretty much sums up the race - starting in Antarctica, runners complete a marathon on each continent, essentially using the time on the plane en route to each race as time to eat and rest. Pretty cool, eh?

For quite some time, I have had my eyes set on this race. Recently, with much consideration, I have chosen to begin raising funds for the 2019 race. As you know, I am a college kid with little financial resources at my disposal. Here is where the problem lies. The cost of registration is set at about $40,000. Not your everyday 5k entry fee, right? So, I am calling on anyone who wants to help! Below is a link that will direct you to my crowdfunding campaign site.

Though I greatly appreciate any monetary donation, I understand that not everyone can give financially. That said, I sincerely appreciate words of support, advice, sharing of these links and my story, and prayer. In running "around the world in 7 days", I will be representing a number of causes for which I stand. First, the gospel. I believe that our responsibility to fulfill the Great Commission is vital to our walk with Christ. Matthew 28:19 says for us to "go and make disciples of all nations". I see this endeavor as a great way for me to combine my passion with my burden (lost peoples of all nations) in order to fulfill the Great Commission. Other notable causes regard volunteer work, community development, environmental conservation, and living a healthy, active lifestyle.

So, please consider giving or sharing. Whether you are a business, brand, organization, or individual, I encourage and accept any assistance.

For any brands that would like to partner with me in this adventure, please contact me via the information at the bottom of this post.

Thanks and God bless!


Isaac Mitchell

Monday, January 23, 2017

Outlook on 2017

By the end of 2016, I had accomplished a few goals that I, honestly, made up on the fly. I went running with a friend on New Year's Day last year and decided, "I'm going to run further this year. Maybe I'll try a marathon." This kind of set the basis of the rest of the year's running endeavors. I knew that distance was going to be my new forte, so I quit track (which I slightly regret, admittedly), took on a regimen of running far and fast, and throwing some trails into the system. I loved it!

In February, I took on my first real distance race - and trail race - at Louisville's Lovin' the Hills. After this race, I found that this community of runners (the group that likes to run 100 miles for fun) was one that I wanted to be part of. So I continued to meet people of the sport and learn as much as I could. I took on and finished my first marathon, played in the mountains of Colorado, and tackled my first ultramarathon (50 miles) and Tunnel Hill. You can read about these in my other blog posts if you want. 

For a number of reasons, I was able to consider 2016 a relatively successful year for starting my endeavors as a "real" distance runner. But I don't want to think of it in such a light. I like to look at where I failed, what I did wrong, why I failed, who beat me, what I lacked, when I was ignorant, when I set myself up for failure. Why? Because without failure, how does a 19 year old kid know when to slow down (or speed up, for that matter)? I trained myself for the first time in my running career, and I believe that I messed up. I threw away a lot of potential.

Mistake number one regards injury prevention. As an invincible young man, I knew that I was capable of doing whatever I wanted and the injuries that plague all other runners would not even be of consideration for me... Boy, did I learn a lesson. I've never been more stricken with injury in my life! If it wasn't one thing, it was sure to be another. Knees, toes, TOENAILS, feet, ankles, wisdom teeth (not my fault), migraines, preventable sickness, and the latest - hip flexors. Why did all of these injuries occur? Because I pushed the limits to the point limits should not be pushed. I do not want to dwell on the failures, as that year is gone, and the only direction I have to go is forward and up.

SO ON TO 2017

This year will be a year of more discoveries, failures, setbacks, triumphs, and adventure. I do not mean these things in a cliche context. I legitimately am seeking to discover a new gear, a new level of determination for this year. I have a schedule lined up, as well as a coach to help push me AND hold me back. I need to adopt to a routine by which I can build and grow, developing over time into an elite runner - that's the goal, anyway.

Some quick running goals I'd like to mention include:

Running every day
Running a 100 mile
Qualifying for Boston and Western States
Winning an ultra
Running 100 mile weeks
Going vegetarian

Tentative Schedule:

Feb. 4         LLTH (15 mile)

April 29       KDF Marathon
April 30       Backside Trail Marathon

Aug. 19       Backyard Classic (8 hour)

Oct. 7          The Hennepin Hundred (100 mile/50 mile)  * Maybe

Nov. 11       Tunnel Hill (100 mile/50 mile)

I would be failing in my role on this planet if I did not emphasize my primary motivation for all of this. As a devoted Christian, I run with the primary goal of praising God and using my talents and passions to share the gospel. I am committing, not only this year, but the remainder of my career to this mission with the end goal of assurance that I fulfilled, to the best of my ability, the Great Commission.

As a young runner with a growing network of friends in this sport, I feel that my influence will continually increase as I advocate the development of distance running as a means of adventure, discovery, and improvement of one's standard of life. I want to raise awareness for social problems and environmental problems, serving as a voice for those God has called us to assist. The ultra community is exactly that - a community. I am proud to be a part of it.

If you'd like to contact me to talk about running, life, or anything at all, please email me at isaacmitchell97@yahoo.com . Be sure to follow me on IG @isaacmitchell14 for more updates throughout the year.